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Showing posts from May, 2019

Video Editing with PaintShop Pro

Video Editing with PaintShop Pro View the youtube video on this entry here:  Video Effects in PaintShop Pro The general process of this technique is to use a video editor (I'm using Magix Vegas Pro ) to break up a video clip into individual images.  Then use batch processing with PaintShop Pro to apply an effect. Then chase that with an import in Vegas to recreate a video from the images. In this way we can create any script in PaintShop Pro, and apply it to a video clip in Magix Vegas. Rendering an Image Sequence In this phase, we are going to be working in the video editor (in my case Magix Vegas).  The first step is to drag the video clip (or clips) that you want to process into the timeline.  Once you have it arranged in the order you desire, go to File > Render As , and select Image Sequence as the Format , and choose which template you want to use, I'm going to use PNG.  Set the path, and note that this path will be filled with very many images. Thi

Split a Face in PaintShop Pro

Split a Face View the video of this tutorial on youtube here: In this tutorial we'll cover how to create the effect of splitting a face, or head for that matter, placing a gap in between.  As well, we'll play with some effects to produce both a cold frozen effect, and a glowing firey effect.  Split the Face For the firs step, duplicate the original image.  One layer will be the left side of the face, and other layer will be the other side of the face. Next create a new vector layer , and use the Pen - Bezier Curve to draw the dividing line on the subject's face (watch this video to learn how to draw with the Pen tool).   Use markers on the image to keep the line in the center of his face.  Some markers to consider are the bridge of the nose, the divet in the upper lip, the adam's apple, etc. You can do a course draw first, and then refine each point later. After the vector graphic is created, use the Magic Wand to crea