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Showing posts from July, 2019

Make a Fancy SlideShow in 60 Sec - Magix Vegas

Fancy SlideShow in 60 Sec View the  youtube  video on this entry here:  Fancy Slide Show This tutorial will cover how to quickly put together a slideshow using Magix Vegas , that retains the following characteristics: Consistent Timing Dynamic Motion Custom Transition Once you've learned all the aspects of achieving these qualities, putting together a slide show, regardless of the number of images, should take you no more than 60 seconds with this approach. So we start off in Magix Vegas, with our images already loaded into the workspace.  This can be done simply by dragging them from your windows explorer window into the Project Media panel. Consistent Timing Now, before dragging the images into the timeline, we want to adjust some settings.  So go to Options > Preferences , then select the Editing tab. On this panel, we want to adjust the New still image length and the Cut-to-overlap conversion field.  ( I actually got this field wrong in the video )