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Showing posts from December, 2019

Get a Python Script from Github

How to Pull Down a Python Script from Github This entry will cover how to pull down a script generated by MakeShopPro from github.  See the youtube channel for specific scripts and what they do:  MakeShopPro Youtube Channel You'll need to Install Python , before doing the following steps. Github Click on the link provided by the youtube video  (for this example you can use this script ) From the github page, find the *.py file and click on it.  In the example below, click on the To download the script right-click on the [Raw] button and select Save Link As... Choose a location to save the script. Install Libraries Sometimes scripts require extra libraries/modules to be installed for them to run.  Most of the libraries (but not all) come with the Python install.  If the video calls out an extra script to be added the following procedure is how to install them. Open a command prompt (doesn't matter the location) Enter the command: pi

Color Luminance Map Script

What it Does For this entry we will cover how to run the Color Luminance Map Script.  This script takes a simple png (the map) and takes all the colors along a row and maps them to the luminance for each pixel on another image (sort of like an advanced Colorize).

Installing Python

I've started to incorporate Python scripts into some of the techniques and effects that I'm demoing in my videos, so instead of covering Python in every video, I have made a blog entry for how to install Python. First go to: Find this section and click on the link: Scroll down and find the Files section. Identify the operating system and click on the link.  For me I have a 64bit Windows 10 installation, so I chose the one that is highlighted. Once downloaded, run the installation file, and follow the installation prompts. Once the installation completes, you can open a command prompt window by pressing the [Windows key] and then type "CMD".  This should bring up a choice to open a command prompt. Click that, and in that prompt type ' python '.  If Python installed correctly you should see a printout similar to below: If you see that set of printouts you have successfully installed Python on your