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Showing posts from April, 2019

Non-Destructive Editing in PaintShop Pro

Non-Destructive Editing in PaintShop Pro View the youtube video here: Non-Desructive Editing What is Non-Destructive Editing? To explain the notion of destructive editing , let's consider the analogy of an image project as if it were a road trip.  You know you where you want to get to, and there will be a number of stops along the way (which would be like effects or steps in your approach).  A "destructive edit" would be any step that would analogously be like a one-way-street on your trip.  If you can't easily go back or modify your path from a previous step, that is a destructive edit.  So on larger projects (aka longer trips) and especially if you are trailblazing and figuring things out, you want to have as few one way streets as possible. So let's cover some concepts and tips (at a high-level) on how to work around destructive editing in PaintShop Pro. Start Strong Shoot in RAW :  For photographers, perform edits in your native RAW editor

Custom Mosaic Template in PaintShop Pro

Custom Mosaic Template in PaintShop Pro View the youtube video here:  Custom Mosaic PaintShop Pro has built in templates that you can use for generating photo mosaics.  Many of them you can purchase for the price of an android app, and there are some free ones as well.  This tutorial will cover some basic steps for how to make your own, or replicate ones that are in the library.  The amount of time spent creating one of these may not be worth $2, but it's great practice for manipulating vector graphics and working with masks. Draw the Vector Shapes Starting with a background image of a bed of roses, lets start drawing some vector shapes that will become the windows for the images we'll use.  In the Preset Shapes , there is already a heart, so that one is easy.  We'll add some rectangles for the next two windows, and use some basic vector graphic manipulations to give the shapes some curve.  Note that each vector shape needs to be on its own vector layer .

Comic Book Style - PaintShop Pro

Comic Book Style in PaintShop Pro View the youtube video here:  Comic Book Style This tutorial is going to walk through the steps of creating the comic-book looking affect shown below.  The main components of this effect are reducing the color depth and having reduced fine detail, but with still sharp edges. Isolate the Subject First As with many tutorials the first step is isolating the subject (in this case the basketball player) from the background.  This can be done with a combination of the Background Eraser , or performing some tedious selection editing . Image One - Reduce Color A key component of this approach is to modify the Color Depth .  This however modifies the entire image, so we'll need to do this on one copy of the image, then add it back into the original. So the first step to reducing fidelity is to decrease the Color Depth of the image.  This can be done with Image > Decrease Color Depth > X Colors .  The settings I used for this exa

Dissolve Effect in PaintShop Pro

Dissolve Effect in PaintShop Pro View the youtube video here:  Dissolve Effect In this tutorial we are going to cover how to create this dissolve effect in PaintShop Pro. Fix the Composition Since my starting image is landscape, but I want the particles to fly upward, I need to modify the composition.  Since the background is all white, this is easy, just crop the side a little bit. Then Image > Add Borders to the top. Remove Background Duplicate the first layer, and call this Layer the " Above the Pig ".  On this layer, since all the work we are doing will be above the Pig we only need to remove the background on the top.  Since this image has a very eraser-friendly background, we can use the Background Eraser . \ The Freehand selection tool can be used to select and remove the rest. Now duplicate this layer and call the top layer " On the Pig ".  You should now have three layers. On the Pig Layer (dissolving) Above the Pig

Compositing Walkthrough in PaintShop Pro

Compositing Walkthrough in PaintShop Pro View the youtube video here:  Spider Girl Video This tutorial will cover a number of different techniques for compositing a handful of disparate images to generate a cool looking poster image of a modern day spider-girl. Extracting the Girl So the first step is to remove the girl from her original environment, hanging from a playground structure.  This ca be done many ways, perhaps some combination of the background eraser and other eraser tools, or purely by selection and fine tuning with edit selection . Build the Environment Now with the girl extracted, we can add her to a scene that we can build from a number of different stock images.  I found a background image and a ledge for her to be landing on from Pexels (which is where I get most of my stock photos). These images can be added as layers, and scaled to fit the scene. Replace the Hand Next since her hand is still holding a bar form the climbing structure, th